It's World BackUp Day, So Back Up Your Stuff! Here's How...

Today is World BackUp Day. Which I'm convinced is just another fake holiday invented by Hallmark to sell cards. I'm still waiting for World BackDatAssUp Day.

No, but SRSLY. When's the last time you backed up your shit? Think about all those family photos stored on your phone or laptop. You know you're eventually going to drop those devices onto a hard floor. Or into the toilet. You're such a butterfingers! How will you feel when you lose all those years of precious memories?

And if that doesn't spur you to action, think about all those kinky porn clips you have saved to that folder on your desktop labeled "taxes". Well, those will be gone too!

Now, I know this can be a confusing subject, so I'm going to make 2 easy-to-follow recommendations that will back up most of your important stuff (yes, including the kink porn on your desktop, you perv).


Enable iCloud (iPhone) or Google Photos (Android). These services back up your photos and videos automagically.

If you already have these services enabled, log in to the iCloud/Google Photos web site, and make sure everything is getting backed up properly. I just realized my phone hasn't been backed up since June, so seriously, don't skip this step.


For this step, you will need an external hard drive. If you don't have one already, get one. They're cheap.

For Mac, use Time Machine to back up your personal data to your external drive.

For Windows, find the following folder, and copy the whole thing to your external hard drive. (Replace %USERNAME% with your actual user name. duh.)


You should be able to find the folder in Windows Explorer (aka File Explorer) and just drag it to your external drive (probably listed as D: beneath "ThisPC" on the left side of the screen).

That folder contains all your photos, videos, music, and documents, plus everything on your desktop. If you have more than one user account on your computer, each user will need to log in and copy their own folder to the external hard drive.


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